A majority of the members of the council in office at the time shall be a quorum for the transaction of business at all council meetings, and a quorum shall be required to be present for the council to take any action. Councilmembers disqualified from acting upon a particular matter due to a conflict of interest shall not be counted in determining whether a quorum exists with respect to that matter. In the absence of a quorum, a lesser number may continue any matter to the next regular meeting of the council or adjourn any meeting to a later date or time. In the absence of all members, the town clerk may adjourn any meeting for not longer than one (1) week. In the event any meeting is adjourned to a later date, the clerk shall prepare and cause to be delivered to each member of the council timely written notice setting forth the date and hour to which such meeting has been adjourned. (Ord. 5, Series 1992; Election 4-7-1992)