The town council finds:
A. Regulation of adult businesses furthers substantial governmental interests and is necessary because, in the absence of such regulation, significant criminal activity has historically and regularly occurred. This history of criminal activity has included prostitution, narcotics and liquor law violations, violent crimes against persons, and property crimes.
B. Adult businesses are frequently used for unlawful and unhealthful sexual activities, including prostitution and sexual liaisons of a casual nature.
C. The concern over sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, is a legitimate health concern of the town which demands reasonable regulation of adult businesses in order to protect the health and well being of the citizens.
D. Adult businesses have a deleterious effect on both neighboring businesses and surrounding residential areas causing an increase in crime and a decrease in property values.
E. It is recognized that adult businesses have serious objectionable characteristics, particularly when they are located in close proximity to each other, thereby contributing to urban blight and downgrading the quality of life in the adjacent area.
F. The town council desires to minimize and control these adverse effects and thereby protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens; to preserve the quality of life; to preserve the property values and character of surrounding neighborhoods; to deter the spread of urban blight; and to protect the citizens from increased crime.
G. It is necessary to have a manager on the premises of adult businesses at all times when such establishments are offering adult entertainment so that there will be an individual responsible for the overall operation of the establishment, including actions of patrons, entertainers and other employees.
H. The license fees required hereinafter are necessary as nominal fees designed to help defray the substantial expenses incurred by the town in regulating adult businesses.
I. Restricted hours of operation will further prevent the adverse secondary effects of adult businesses.
J. Locational criteria alone do not adequately protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens and thus certain additional requirements with respect to the licensing and operation of adult businesses are in the public interest. (Ord. 30, Series 1996)