Notice of the public hearing on the creation of the improvement district shall be given by publishing the creation ordinance in accordance with section 1-22-2 of this Code. The town clerk shall, by registered or certified mail, send a copy of the creation ordinance to the last known address of each last known owner within the improvement district whose property will be assessed for the cost of the improvements, such addresses and owners being those appearing on the real property assessment rolls for general (ad valorem) taxes of Summit County, Colorado, wherein the property is located. Any such list of names and addresses pertaining to any improvement district may be revised from time to time, but such a list need not be revised more frequently than at twelve (12) month intervals. The creation ordinance shall be mailed as soon as practicable but in no case later than seven (7) days prior to the public hearing. The creation ordinance shall be published at least four (4) days prior to the public hearing. (Ord. 3, Series 2011)