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The below administrative regulations should be read in conjunction with the municipal code title 5, chapter 12 which can be found at

A. Department of Public Works and Police Department To Assist With Enforcement of Disposable Bag Fee Business Ordinance. The public works director has requested the assistance of the appropriate employees of the Town’s Department of Public Works and Police Department with respect to the enforcement of the Disposable Bag Fee Ordinance. Any member of the Town’s Department of Public Works, including, but not limited to the Town’s Mobility Division, or any member of the Police Department is authorized to provide assistance to the public works director, and when doing so shall be a “designee” of the public works director.

B. Evidence Required To Support Determination of Classification as a “Reusable Bag.”

1. To support a determination that a particular bag meets the reusable requirements of the definition in a retail store must provide acceptable evidence to the Town in the form of a verifiable order form for the particular bag, together with a written confirmation from the bag manufacturer that it meets these requirements.

2. If deemed necessary, the public works director or their designee may independently inspect bags at retail stores to verify they meet this definition.

C. Evidence Required To Support Determination of Classification as a “Disposable Bag.”

1. To support a determination that a particular bag meets the disposable bag requirements of the applicable definition a Retail Store must provide acceptable evidence to the public works director in the form of a verifiable order form for the particular bag, together with a written confirmation from the bag manufacturer that it meets these requirements.

2. If deemed necessary, the public works director or their designee may independently inspect bags at Retail Stores to verify they meet the applicable definition.

F. “Small Bag” Exemption. Section 5-12-12(F) exempts all plastic and paper bags 100 square inches in size or less.

G. “Safety Bags” Exemption. The public works director may exempt from the Disposable Bag Fee Ordinance any bag based upon bona fide health or safety concerns (e.g., bags wrapping packaged dry ice).

H. Penalties. Violations of any provision of the municipal code or these rules and regulations is subject to any and all discipline, fines and/or penalties as set forth 5-12-14.

Persons with questions concerning these regulations should contact the Public Works department at 970-453-3170.